Chakradance 15th November

On Sunday 15th November I’m holding the next Chakradance workshop in Bedwyn village hall at 10am. The workshop is about two and a half hours long, and we will be exploring the sacral chakra. Our sacral chakra is about our passion, power and pleasure, creativity and emotions. Bringing it into balance we become more conscious of our inner nature and develop a deeper appreciation for our emotional well-being. Intimate relationships become easier when blockages are released and life feels sweeter. The investment is £25.

Give me a call on 07818 644 094 for more information.

Lorna xxx

Dancing our roots

A big thank you to everyone who danced with me at the Chakradance workshop on Sunday at Bedwyn village hall. Twelve participants dived deep into a journey with the root chakra, using dance, meditation, guided imagery and mandala art work. I certainly enjoyed it!

This was the first workshop I’m holding to journey through the seven major chakras of the body’s energy system. Next month there will be a workshop covering the second chakra, the Sacral chakra. We’ll be doing the dance of the sacred feminine and getting in touch with our inner goddesses (men can do this too!). This will also be at Bedwyn Village Hall, at 10am through to 1pm, Sunday November 15th.

Our centrepiece
The altar for the workshop

Chakradance 18th October

Chakradance comes to Bedwyn!

If you feel you need to move on some old, stale, energy and dance your way into your connection to your root chakra that draws power from the earth, then this is for you.

On Sunday morning 18 October from 10am to noon, Bedwyn village hall will be transformed into a healing sanctuary. Leave your worries, with your shoes, at the door and for 2 hours surrender into a dynamic dance journey into your base chakra. Feel truly alive and connect back to your true authentic self.

Numbers will be limited, so book on early to make sure you secure your spot on the dance-floor. Investment is £25. For more information see my page on chakradance.

Phone 07818 644094 or email [email protected]

What is Chakradance?

Chakradance® classes involve spontaneous dance to music specially designed to resonate with each in turn of our major chakras, or energy centers. Its founder, Australian-born Natalie Southgate, claims the practice can release blocked energies as well as calming chakras that have become over-active. “Chakradance® aims to restore participants to a balanced state of wellbeing in which all the natural energies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) once again flow freely”, says Southgate.

Journeying with the Base Chakra

When we embody the qualities of Mother Earth we find a sense of safety, security, grounding. It is from this chakra that we connect to our instincts. The primal, instinctual, primitive, raw, wild, animal part of ourselves. Our modern culture of traffic jams, deadlines, not enough time in nature, can all weaken our connection to our instincts. Reclaiming this instinctual energy can help us feel more alive and vibrant, more in tune with our bodies and environment. Regain a deeper sense of what early ancestors knew.

Shake & Relax meditation on Zoom

Until further notice I am offering Shake & Relax Meditation on Zoom every Tuesday and Saturday at 10am. We start with a shaking meditation to move stuck energy out of our bodies, then a relaxing guided meditation follows. The class lasts about an hour, and I am charging £8. Join us!

You are all very welcome.

Let me know if you would like to attend and I will send you your zoom link.

Lorna xxx 

Quiescence update

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well, safe and looking after one another. I want to reach out and connect to let you know that over the next week I will be putting together some online meditations for those who wish to join me via Zoom as a way of coming together. One of the meditations will be a shaking meditation giving us a chance to use movement as a way of releasing stagnant energy within the body, freeing us up to be the best version of ourselves. I also hope to offer a sharing circle online, giving voice to our feelings and emotions at this time of uncertainty and change. For those of you who are interested please message me either on my mobile or email with suggested times that would work for you. There will be a small fee of £5 for these sessions and the meditations. 

At the moment the studio is still open for treatments, being mindful of sanitisation.  Anyone who has symptoms, please do not book. As long as I am symptom free I will remain open according to government guidelines.

I am also offering a new treatment, Distance Healing, for those who are self-isolating, or anybody else who would like it. There is more information on this in the Holistic Healing Treatments section of this website. Distance Healing is offered for £40.

Remember I can order Neal’s Yard Remedies for people, although to be viable the order needs to be for at least £50, so I will only do this once a fortnight unless you have a big personal order. Give me a call if there are things you want.

“In times of adversity and change we really discover who we are and what we are made of.” – Howard Schulz

For treatments, special offers or anything at all call me on 07818 644094 or email on [email protected].  Please also browse my website to see what else we offer!

Lorna xxx

New Prices from April 1st

From April 1st my prices change. Below you can download my new price list. Please contact me if you have any questions about this – I will be giving my new price list out to those I see in the next few weeks, and they will change on the website just before 1st April. Thanks!

Reiki energy healing

This month we are featuring Reiki Energy Healing. Reiki is a system whereby a Reiki practitioner channels energy for a person by means of touch to activate a natural healing process restoring the wellbeing of the person on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As well as Reiki treatments I’m now offering training for Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master certificates. For further information please call me.

In Reiki a practitioner channels energy to a person by means of touch. This activates a natural healing process restoring the wellbeing of the person on all levels; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is a simple, easy to use method, but requires devotion, practice and focus to deepen into its full expression.

Reiki is spiritual in nature but follows no religion. It is a safe healing method that can be used on animals as well as humans. You can charge and activate water and bless food with this energy.

Reiki aids relaxation, reduces stress and bring about balance whilst opening up a person for transformation. Reiki energy works very well alongside other therapies and western medicine. It is good for people experiencing side effects from medication.

February Special Offer

This month, Zee is helping you to express your appreciation of LOVE using a true pamper gift, whether for a loved one or to honour self love. She is offering a DUO SPECIAL of beautiful and illuminating Japanese Facial Lifting Massage treatments, available until the end of February at the special price of £75.00. This comprises two treatments, preferably within a week of each other. For bookings and gift vouchers, please email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 7485 154558

Reiki 1 Attunement

In March I will be offering Reiki attunements for the very first time. Reiki is an ancient energy healing art that you can practice on yourself or others, and I will be offering training in Reiki 1 so that you can practice on yourself or for family and friends. The training weekend will be the14th & 15th March. Call me on 07818 644094 for further information about what is included and the cost.

Shamanic & Energy Work

I have recently completed a two year course in Shamanic and Energy Work, and am now offering this within my practice.

This work is good for anybody wanting to clear energetic blockages and stagnation, and deepen into their full potential . I am trained in infusion and extraction, sound healing, alignment, organ and spine regeneration, auric and psychic surgery, cleaning relationship cords, regression technique, soul and power retrieval, spirit release, clearing ancestral patterns and curses.

£60 per hour.  Treatments are normally an hour and a half to two hours or more, but we will speak before the treatment about what you need and what your budget is. Contact me if you want to know more.